On Sunday, the sermon was about the Realities of Faith. While there are many realities of exercising our faith, one very important reality is that faith costs us something. When you act in accordance with what God’s Word says by faith, it may prove to be very costly. Jesus said we need to be willing to sacrifice those things that interfere with our relationship and trust in Him. What is your faith costing you? Take a look at the excerpt below for more.
There are times and places when the church lives in such peace and abundance that faith becomes an inexpensive thing. What cost another generation their lives and livelihoods, costs us Sunday mornings and a modest tithe. Perhaps, we say, “faith no longer requires so much sacrifice. Perhaps the time of suffering is past. In fact, there may be no cost to faith at all. Perhaps it’s the opposite. Perhaps faith paves the way to greater health and wealth.”
Jesus was never so eager to keep a crowd that he minimized the costs of faith (see John 6:60–66). He could not have been clearer that following him requires enormous sacrifice. “Whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” Every person should count the cost. Jesus understood something we have forgotten. When we lower the cost of faith, it becomes something other than faith. A cheap counterfeit. An elegant mantle of piety around the shoulders of an essentially secular life. If we lower the cost further still, it becomes something no one values. Eventually no one is willing to “purchase” what seems so common and unremarkable – what requires so little sacrifice.
The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard wrote that the church had become filled with “admirers” when what Christ wants is “imitators.” Jesus does not invite us to be mere admirers of the way He carried his cross nearly two thousand years ago. He invites us to be imitators, to carry our own crosses and follow in His footsteps today.
God may not call us to literal martyrdom, but He does call us to a faith worth living and dying for. He calls us to give our lives, wholly and completely, and follow where He leads.
Faith does not cost us a little. It costs us everything because it is worth nothing less. The life of faith is costly because it is so extraordinarily valuable.
CCC SUNDAY MORNING IN-PERSON SERVICE @ 10:00 A.M. Corporate Prayer at 9:15 a.m.
CCC is LIVE on FACEBOOK and YOUTUBE for Sunday Worship Service at 10:30 A.M. Services available “on-demand” afterward.
Weekly Intercessory Prayer via conference call on Wednesdays at 9:30 am and Fridays at 6:00 pm. The dial-in phone number is: 1-202-926-1097 Access Code is 348701. In-person prayer is also at CCC on Saturday evenings at 6:00 p.m. All are welcome to participate.
Join us for our new ZOOM Bible Study, “REVIVE US!”, tomorrow April 17th @ 7:00 PM! No Preparation necessary. Just show up on ZOOM ready to participate: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85202248731?pwd=dVdtcE9BS2prdE92azVhRjNTTUNXdz09